At Hampsons, our priority is helping our clients make the best decisions to guarantee they achieve the outcome they desire. We have simplified the process down to just 6 SIMPLE STEPS to consider when selling your home:
1 Trust comes first
You need to find the right agent for you! The journey you are about to go on with your chosen agent is a huge financial and emotional rollercoaster and the more trust you have for the individual working on your behalf the easier this journey will be. Hampsons prides itself on the successful relationships it builds with its clients.
2 Marketing that makes a difference
Making a property stand out in a competitive market and with a huge number of properties on the market can be really tough. This is why Hampsons adopt a different approach to their marketing. We aim to combine the traditional methods of marketing a property with all the new technology on the market.
3 Strategic Pricing
This sounds simple – you will only sell for a price people are prepared to pay! However, this can be one of the most difficult parts of the selling process for our agents. Take their advice they will create a pricing strategy for your individual property taking into consideration a number of different elements; the price similar properties have recently sold for, the current marketing conditions, the number of buyers that will be attracted to your property, and more importantly, your timescales in which you wish to move. The properties that sit on the market for a number of months are generally because they are overpriced, whether this is the client not taking the agents advice or the agent giving the wrong advice. Price really does matter!
4 Be clear on the outcome – start with the end in mind
Understanding clearly the outcome of your sale will help you and your agent to ensure you achieve it. For some it may be selling for the highest amount and they are willing to wait until the market dictates a higher bid, others simply want to make their next move happen as soon as possible so will negotiate on offers and in turn, we will then negotiate on their onward purchase if buying through us so they have a win-win situation and achieve their desired outcome.
5 Negotiation and knowing the numbers
Being clear on your outcome means you need to know your financial goals and the fees associated with selling and buying if necessary. We will take you through the numbers from the outset ensuring everything is made clear. We are responsible for negotiating the maximum sale value for you and will be working on your best interests for a successful sale.
6 Start the legal process as soon as you can
We realise the property market is slower than it should be, due to many new processes and laws being introduced yearly. We like to control and focus on the areas where we can help speed matters up by instructing a reputable company from the moment you decide to sell.